If you are interested in teaching a Religious Education Class as a primary or co-lead or just want to help on an "as needed" basis for this current school year or perhaps in future years - please contact our Religious Education person. Or if you would be interested in co-operating the Sunday Children's Liturgy we need help in this ministry as well. Thank you.
You have probably heard the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child," indeed it does. Our parish is a village and together we can help bring our parish children into a beautiful faithful environment. You could be the difference for a child, a couple of hours a week may be all it takes to be a positive impact on a child's faith formation. Everyone has a gift to offer, please join our team of volunteers and offer your God-given gifts for our children and this rewarding stewardship. Please contact Tammi via her email if you can volunteer. [email protected]
High School Students:
*If you would like to volunteer your time to help teach our children about our Catholic Faith,
or assist in any way, please call our Parish Office 218.386.1178 or 701.741.0695
To Volunteer in any capacity, one must complete the Safe Environment Training. The training was recently updated. The protection of children and young people is of highest priority for the Church. Here in the Diocese of Crookston, our Safe Environment Policy continues to give direction to our continuing efforts and work. The policy makes clear and unequivocal our enduring commitment to the safety of our children, the vulnerable, and all our young people. This training is to help remind us and stress the importance of the safety of our children.